Thought Leaders Blog - In Professional Development

The Rise of Burnout: Strategies to Ensure Employee Wellbeing and Business Success

Written by In Professional Development | 20 June 2024

The conversation around employee burnout has surged by 48% over the past year, reaching unprecedented levels according to recent research. This troubling trend signals a critical need for companies to address the factors contributing to burnout and implement effective strategies for prevention and recovery.

The Disconnect Dilemma

A striking 75% of employees believe that taking annual leave can alleviate burnout. However, 40% of workers don't fully utilise their holiday entitlement, and half struggle to disconnect from work. This inability to detach is often driven by heavy workloads and financial anxieties, exacerbated by the rise in hybrid working that blurs the lines between work and home life.

The 'Out of Office' Struggle

Even among those who take time off, nearly half (47%) find it challenging to unplug from their work responsibilities. Key reasons include:

  • Staying Informed: 21% feel compelled to stay updated on office happenings.
  • Unfinished Business: 20% worry about work left incomplete.
  • Contactability: 18% can't relax knowing they are reachable by work.
  • Intertwined Lives: 16% find their home and work lives too entangled to truly relax.
  • Financial Concerns: 14% are hindered by financial stress, a figure that rises to 26% for Londoners.
  • Job Security: 10% fear losing their job if they disconnect.

The overlap between work and personal life is evident, with 28% of employees checking emails during holidays and 18% contacting colleagues. Moreover, 22% report being contacted by their company while on leave, which may explain why 14% use annual leave to look for new job opportunities.

Has 2024 been the Double-Edged Sword of Progress?

In 2024, the workplace has seen major advancements. With the ability to work from anywhere and juggle 9-to-5 jobs with thriving passion projects, it seems our generation can “have it all”. However, this progress comes with drawbacks. The rise in hybrid working has further blurred the lines between work and home life, making it difficult for employees to switch off. According to Mental Health UK’s annual stress report, the UK is at risk of becoming a “burnt-out nation”, with one in five people needing to take time off work due to stress in the past year. Despite the high levels of pressure, 24% of UK workers feel unable to manage the stress in their lives.

This issue is often compounded over the summer months, with social events pushing the boundaries of work and play, leading many to overstretch themselves and sacrifice relaxation in an effort to "have it all".:

7 Strategies to Combat Burnout:

To address these challenges proactively, it’s essential to consider effective strategies to combat burnout. Burnout extends beyond mere fatigue and job dissatisfaction; it represents a profound disconnect from the purpose and joy of one’s role, leading to reduced productivity and exhaustion. Here are seven actionable tips to regain control and prevent burnout:

  1. Manage Your Time: Achieve a balanced work-life dynamic by controlling your to-do list, delegating or eliminating unnecessary tasks, and prioritising important ones. Ensure you leave work at work, even if your office is at home.
  2. Seek Support: Burnout often stems from a lack of support. Communicate with your manager about your workload and any uncertainties.
  3. Learn to Say ‘No’: Identify your priorities and assess each request made of your time. If you need to turn down a task, be straightforward in your response and offer an alternative. This builds trust with your manager and increases productivity.
  4. Relax: Find ways to switch off and be present in all you do. Nurturing time with family and friends, yoga, meditation, mindfulness techniques, and creative hobbies can help you wind down.
  5. Exercise: This doesn’t mean spending an hour in the gym. Even a brisk 10-minute walk at lunchtime can yield health benefits in and out of the workplace.
  6. Sleep: Use sleep to clear your mind, so you have the mental space to tackle what the next day has in store.
  7. Rediscover Your Passion: If you have emotionally disconnected from your job, take time to analyse what you loved about it initially and what has changed. Consider whether it is a clash of values, the company culture, or the role itself before making your next move.


By setting positive boundaries and proactively managing our time and stress, we can avoid workplace burnout and focus on achieving our goals in a healthy and sustainable way.

Taking Action: Strategic Approaches to Wellbeing and Resilience

Additionally, to address these challenges comprehensively, consider enrolling in our Strategic Approaches to Wellbeing and Resilience Programme - CMI Level 7. This post-graduate accredited wellbeing programme is designed to help leaders implement a holistic approach to wellbeing across their organisations. By focusing on psychological theory and practical strategies, we aim to enhance individual, team, and organisational resilience, fostering collaborative, high-performing, and sustainable cultures.