Why should organisations consider Mentoring? A Mentor was described by David Clutterbuck in 1991 as ‘a more experienced individual willing to share their knowledge with someone less experienced in a relationship of mutual trust… the mentor’s primary function is to be a transitional figure in an individual’s development.’ Although mentoring is interpreted differently depending on the context, the role of experience, and passing this on to support the holistic development of another person, is a common thread. In this article, we will answer the research question why should organisations consider Mentoring?
Over the past few months we have seen a step up in requests to support organisational mentoring schemes. We have delivered a variety of mentoring training programmes which have focussed on how it’s done, and what needs to be in place for it to work well. There are a multitude of different approaches, philosophies, theories and models that we can address in different blogs. Here we have summarised a few key findings from the research literature that answer the question why should organisations consider mentoring? We explain why introducing mentoring, either formally or informally, may be worth considering for your organisation.
When good practice is observed, and both Mentor and Mentee enter into the relationship with commitment and HOW (Honesty, Openness, and a Willingness to Learn), it can be a transformational intervention. There can be additional benefits when Mentor and Mentee work in different organisations or industries, as this enables both to consider different cultural perspectives, and share external knowledge that may help to challenge old methods, mindsets, and the status quo. Although time pressures and modern living don’t typically support the genuine, reflective discussions that occur in mentoring, the literature shows that the benefits for both individuals and their organisations justify the effort many times over.
Mentoring is an important aspect of training for all organisations. We offer a variety of courses, such as our Coaching and Mentoring Programme. To find out more about our courses, visit our Courses page and click on the relevant course. Alternatively, or if you’d like more information before booking, email us at enquiries@inpd.co.uk, send us a message using the form on our Contact page or call us on 0161 826 3139. We look forward to hearing from you and advising you on the right course for you.
Clutterbuck, D. (1991). Everyone needs a mentor. CIPD.
Grima, F., Paillé, P., H. Mejia, J. & Prud’homme, L. (2014), Exploring the benefits of mentoring activities for the mentor. Career Development International, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 469-490.
Hussain, S., M., bin Othman, A. R., & bin Mansor, M. N. (2016). Mentoring and organizational performance: a review of effects of mentoring on small and medium enterprises. Journal of Business and Social Review in Emerging Economies, 2(2): 143-158.
Lester, P. B., Hannah, S. T., Harms, P. D., Vogelgesang, G. R, & Avolio, B.J. (2011). Mentoring Impact on Leader Efficacy Development: A Field Experiment. Academy of Management learning & education, 10(3): 409-429.
Taherian, K. & Shekarchian, M. (2008) Mentoring for doctors. Do its benefits outweigh its disadvantages?, Medical Teacher, 30 (4): e95-e99.