<img src="https://secure.leadforensics.com/146720.png" style="display:none;"> The Neurodiversity at Work Conference 2024

The Neurodiversity at Work Conference 2024

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The Neurodiversity at Work Conference 2024

Are you looking to create an inclusive workplace culture that embraces neurodiversity and promotes a sense of belonging for all employees?

In the UK, approximately 1 in 7 people are neurodivergent. However, despite a growing global recognition, many workplaces still struggle to support neurodiverse professionals in their pursuit of fulfilling careers, leading to recruitment, retention and productivity challenges.

A neuroinclusive workplace consciously and actively includes all types of information processing, learning, and communication styles. By embracing neurodiversity, employers can tap into the talents and perspectives of individuals with unique problem-solving abilities and foster a sense of belonging for all employees, regardless of their neurological differences.

The Institute of Professional Development is committed to driving excellence in individual, team, and organisational performance through cutting-edge research and the exchange of best practices. The Institute is delighted to announce the Leading Neurodiverse Teams in the Workplace, which aims to share best practices for creating a neurodiverse-friendly workplace and gain insights into accommodating and supporting neurodivergent employees.

Join the Institute of Professional Development for The Neurodiversity at Work Conference 2024 to gain expert insights into creating a workplace culture that supports neurodiverse employees. The event will explore how managers and team leaders can adapt their leadership styles to effectively support and empower neurodiverse team members and discuss strategies for implementing inclusive recruitment and hiring practices to attract and retain neurodiverse talent.

Event Summary


1 Day

Date / Location:

17th July 2024 University of Manchester


Face to Face:


About the Event

This event brings together business leaders, senior managers, HR professionals and learning and development leaders from across the public, private and third sectors who are interested in the latest guidance for supporting neurodivergent staff.

  • Gain actionable insights from thought-leaders and sector experts to implement best practices in your workplace  
  • Learn from exemplary case studies to improve workplace cultures
  • Explore examples of how to recruit, manage and support neurodivergent staff, ensuring that they have equal opportunities to progress and flourish within your organisation
  • Bring new, innovative ideas on increasing neurodiversity in your workplace back to your organisation with the insight needed to put them into practice
  • Hear from leading figures about how to educate staff and foster an understanding of neurodiversity within your organisation

Session 1

09:00 - 09:30 Registration and Networking

Session 2

09:30 - 09:40 - Chair’s Welcome Address

Dr Tony Malone, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant

Session 3

09:40 - 10:00 - Opening Keynote: Understanding Neurodiversity and its Role in the Workplace

Pippa Sargent, CEO, The Brain Charity

  • Explore the concept of neurodiversity and its implications for the workplace
    Understanding the challenges of people with neurodiverse conditions
  • Gain a broad understanding of neurodiverse conditions such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and others
  • Explore national positive efforts that are being made to support people living with neurological conditions in the workplace

Session 4

10:00 - 10:20 - Special Keynote: Strategies and Approaches for Employers to Advance Neurodiversity Inclusion

Leena Haque, Lead UX Storyteller, BBC & Sean Gilroy, Digital Storyteller, BBC

  • Discuss the current landscape of neurodiversity workplace inclusion in the UK
  • Explore people management practices and approaches to promote an inclusive workplace for neurodivergent employees
  • Understand the importance of creating a neuroinclusive workplace culture and the wider benefits to all employees

Session 5

10:20 - 10:40 - Unlocking Potential: Exploring an Employee-Centric Neuro-Inclusion Strategy   

Chris Quickfall, CEO Cognassist  

  • Understand the business benefits of an employee-centric approach to neuro inclusion
  • Learn how AI and reasonable adjustments can work hand in hand
  • Gain an insight into the importance of understanding self through cognitive mapping
  • Actionable best practice tips to accelerate your neuro-inclusive journey

Session 6

10:40 - 11:00 - Questions and Answers Panel

Pippa Sargent - The Brain Charity, Sean Gilroy - BBC & Leena Haque - BBC, Chris Quickfall, CEO Cognassist

  • Speakers from the previous session will join for an audience Q&A

Session 7

11:00 - 11:30 -  Break and Networking

Session 8

11:30–11:50 Case study: Creating an Inclusive Culture in the Workplace

Emma Weaver, ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity

  • Explore a best practice example of creating an inclusive working environment
  • Discuss the barriers, challenges and benefits of adopting an inclusive workforce

Session 9

11:50-12:10 – Building Neurodiverse Teams

Alexander Hedlund, Neurodiversity in Business 

  • Exploring why building neuroinclusive teams matters to businesses 
  • Examining real-life examples of where companies have leveraged neurodivergent talent 
  • Practical takeaways for attendees to start their neuroinclusion journey, from the team to organisational-levels 

Session 10

12:10 -12:30 – Celebrating Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Ronan Willis, Disability Positive 

  • Different ways of looking at disability - looking at the Social Model of Disability 
  • How barriers are created within society and the workplace for a neurodivergent person and how solutions can be found using co-production techniques 
  • What organisations can do to ensure that they are inclusive workspaces for everyone 

Session 11

12:30 -12:50 – Questions and Answers Panel

Emma Weaver, ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity, Alexander Hedlund - Neurodiversity in Business, Ronan Willis -  Disability Positive 

  • Speakers from the previous session will join for an audience Q&A

Session 12

12:50 -13:50 – Lunch and Networking

Session 13

13:50 -14:10 – Diagnostic process for dyslexia, dyspraxia, and dyscalculia, and reasonable adjustments in the workplace 

Sean Riley, Pensa Psychology 

  • Understanding the need for an official diagnostic assessment. 
  • How an assessment is completed and reported.  
  • Follow up screenings for other conditions, and further support.  

Session 14

14:10 -14:30 – Celebrating Neurodiversity in the Workplace 

Catherine Leggett, Autentic  

  • Explore examples of co-production techniques to understand the needs of neurodivergent colleagues and design policies that work for them 
  • Discuss the role of staff networks in providing a safe and welcoming space where neurodivergent staff can share experiences and challenges 

Session 15

14:30 -14:50 – The Employer’s Role in Supporting Neurodiverse Employees

Hayley Brackley, Neurodiversity Coach, Trainer and Keynote Speaker

  • Definition of neurodivergent according to the Equality Act
  • Understand the employer’s legal obligations and the importance of making reasonable adjustments for neurodivergent workers
  • Address legal and ethical considerations related to neurodiversity in the workplace, such as reasonable accommodations, anti-discrimination laws, and privacy concerns

Session 16

14:50 -15:10 – Questions and Answers Panel

Sean Riley - Pensa Psychology, Catherine Leggett - Autentic, Hayley Brackley- Neurodiversity Coach, Trainer and Keynote Speaker 

Session 17

15:10 -15:20 – Chair’s Closing Summary

Dr Tony Malone, Diversity and Inclusion Consultant


*programme subject to change without notice

Leena Haque

Leena Haque

Lead UX Storyteller, BBC

Leena Haque, an innovative Senior UX Designer, is a leading figure in pioneering inclusive design and digital creativity. As a published author and exhibited artist, she has been recognized as one of the top 50 neurodivergent women in the UK and has earned a spot on the Shaw Trust Power 100 list. Her current research is dedicated to engaging new audiences, employing her co-founding roles at BBC CAPE and the BBC Enigma Neurodiversity Network to explore innovative strategies for expanding the accessibility and appeal of digital content across diverse groups. As a Global Ambassador for Women in Tech, Leena's advocacy for diversity and inclusion extends her impact beyond traditional tech circles into the realm of digital alternatives, pushing for more inclusive digital experiences. Her work, celebrated in major publications and forums such as The Guardian, The Telegraph, Wired, and the World Economic Forum, exemplifies her commitment to transforming digital spaces to be more inclusive and engaging for everyone.

Hayley Brackley

Hayley Brackley

Neurodiversity Coach, Trainer and Keynote Speaker

Hayley had a turbulent start to life. She shares her story, beginning with starting primary school – where she was quickly sent home! As school life progressed, she found herself in increasingly difficulty, until within a year she was diagnosed with ADD and Dyslexia, and then accepted into Mensa! Medication, and different ways of working meant Hayley left school with an unpredictably decent selection of GCSEs. In joining the world of work, Hayley found an environment not fit for neuroinclusion, and following a breakdown, set out to make our working world a place where everyone can belong and thrive, regardless of neurotype! In doing so, Hayley discovered she is also Autistic, an insight that explained social and sensory differences! 
Along with being part of the INPD training team, Hayley founded Great Minds Don’t, an independent learning consultancy. Great Minds Don’t always think alike is Hayley’s mantra towards learning and inclusion. Facilitating learning interventions from coaching to training sessions, and offering a consultancy service to ensure learning experiences are embedded, Great Minds Don’t specialises in leadership, wellbeing, neurodiversity and bitesize personal development.  

Alexander Hedlund

Alexander Hedlund

Neurodiversity in Business

Alexander is Neurodiversity in Business’s Head of Corporate Membership Services, looking after NiB’s over 800 corporate members, providing a responsive offering that meets the vast and diverse needs of our membership. With a focus on facilitating step-change culture shifts.

Alexander is most excited about the potential offered by NiB’s two-way communication channel in which we gather best practice from across our ecosystem by listening and learning from our key stakeholders, providing vetted and curated examples to drive the neurodiversity agenda in return. He has an extensive background in DEI, with a particular lens of intersectionality on neurodiversity, gender and sexuality, having spent 8 years in this space. Tracing his roots to student representation, Alexander has been an active advocate in the Higher Education sector and now brings his experience to the world of professional services, leading local communities at work around neurodiversity and queerness.

Sean Gilroy

Sean Gilroy

Digital Storyteller, BBC

Sean Gilroy stands at the forefront of the BBC's inclusivity efforts, focusing on disability and neurodiversity. As co-founder for the "Creating A Positive Environment" (CAPE) initiative and co-chair of Enigma, the BBC’s neurodiversity network, his work has been transformative. His advocacy and leadership in the design brief of the BBC Cymru Wales office, a model of neurodiversity-centred design, has set new standards for workplace inclusivity. Beyond physical spaces, Sean’s role as the BBC’s Inclusive Design Lead emphasizes his commitment to integrating accessibility and inclusion into every facet of organizational policy, promoting a more inclusive corporate culture. His advocacy extends beyond the BBC through active participation in workshops, articles, and speaking engagements, championing a broader societal shift towards inclusive practices. Sean’s initiatives have significantly impacted both the internal environment at the BBC and the wider community, advocating for the recognition and inclusion of talent from diverse backgrounds.

Dr Tony Malone

Dr Tony Malone

Diversity and Inclusion Consultant

Ronan Willis

Ronan Willis

Policy Research & Training Officer

Ronan is the Policy Research & Training Officer at Disability Positive, a Disabled Peoples Organisation based in the North West of England.  He is responsible for designing and delivering Disability Equality training and undertakes policy research on subjects that are relevant to the daily lives of the people that are members of Disability Positive and use their services.  As a Disabled Person himself, he is able to use both life experience and workplace experience to inform discussions around equality from the perspective of Disabled People. 

Catherine Leggett

Catherine Leggett

Founder - Aûtentic Training and Consultancy

Catherine has a background as an engineer and self-recognised as autistic in 2002. They began their career as an autism professional in 2014 with The National Autistic Society,  working with employees and their employers to optimise autistic people's strengths throughout the recruitment, retention and promotion process in the workplace. Catherine was diagnosed as autistic in 2015 and regularly reaches out to the autistic community for their voice in their work, balancing their own lived experience, current research, experience as a consultant and practitioner, and as the parent to a working 23 year-old autistic person.  

Chris Quickfall

Chris Quickfall

CEO - Cognassist

Since being diagnosed with dyslexia at university, Chris has been driven to increase support and accessibility to learning, both in education and in the workplace. The experience of completing a cognitive assessment was genuinely transformative for Chris. It gave him a framework to understand how he thinks and learns as an individual. He established Cognassist, a neuro-inclusion solution, to overcome the challenges organisations face when accommodating the thinking differences among their employees, ensuring equal opportunities for everyone.

Sean Riley

Sean Riley

Pensa Psychology

Pippa Sargent

Pippa Sargent

CEO, The Brain Charity

Pippa Sargent is CEO of The Brain Charity, a national charity based in Liverpool, supporting people with any of over 600+ neurological conditions. The charity also champions neurodiversity through a strengths-based approach.

In a career focused on public health, mental health and wellbeing, Pippa has more than 25 years’ experience working across both public and private sectors and specifically in health, charity and social innovation environments, leading programmes and change campaigns that have improved and saved lives.

Her work has included leading initiatives which have generated better health policy and practices to protect the health of employees, designing strategic engagement activity to ensure people have a say in large-scale community changes and creating award-winning innovative practices to educate on and prevent ill-health, including senior roles in the NHS, local and national government, the third sector and commercial settings.

Pippa is also a Governor at The Walton Centre, a specialist neurosciences hospital serving the North West, from which The Brain Charity was founded 30 years ago.

Emma Weaver

Emma Weaver

Deputy CEO, ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity

Emma Weaver is the Deputy CEO of the ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity. Based in Liverpool, The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity is the largest user led organisation of its kind in Europe, offering support to those with neurodevelopmental conditions such as ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Tourette’s Syndrome.

Emma works collaboratively with professionals across all age groups and sectors, supporting them to develop their understanding of neurodevelopmental conditions and to develop neurodiverse friendly practices within their sector.

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