<img src="https://secure.leadforensics.com/146720.png" style="display:none;"> General Practice Manager Development Programme - CMI Level 5

General Practice Manager Development Programme - CMI Level 5

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General Practice Manager Development Programme - CMI Level 5

This programme has been designed to support existing and potential managers and equip them with the skills they need to manage a GP Practice. This engaging programme focuses on the leadership and management skills required to be successful in a mid-senior management position and will include current insights into Evidence Based Management, Coaching and Mentoring, conflict management and change. The programme is led by a highly experienced NHS leader, and will be supported by current NHS insights, contextualised case studies, and first-hand experience of the challenges of being a leader in Primary Care. 

The GP Practice Manager Programme provides professionals with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of practice management and reflect and grow in an enhanced learning environment. Participants will become part of a strong and supportive national network of Primary Care Leaders. 

This Level 5 accredited leadership training course has been designed to help existing and potential managers gain a better understanding of the dynamics in managing multidisciplinary teams and improve their personal approach to leadership. 

Course Summary


CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership - Optional


3 Day

Delivery Method and Price:

Virtual Classroom:


About Us

About the Programme

This course is for existing managers and potential managers in a primary care environment.

This course is for you if you want to:

  • Understand the key aspects of practice management and improve your overall performance as a leader and manager
  • Apply a range of coaching techniques to better understand the needs and strengths of colleagues, and get the best from your team
  • Create a professional environment where colleagues can flourish, and where patients will receive the best possible care
  • Gain insight into current issues in primary care, and how these relate to the practice manager role
  • Develop a strong, professional, national network of peers who you will be able to draw upon in the future

*Please note that some of the materials and objectives may be subject to change depending on discussions, activities and needs of the cohort upon reflection of delegate responses to the pre-programme questionnaires.*

On completion of this programme, delegates will: 

  • Demonstrate confidence in managing, coaching, and developing multidisciplinary teams and individual colleagues 
  • Demonstrate leadership skill, presence, and self-awareness in a senior position within Primary Care 
  • Understand own working preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, and how to most effectively utilise strengths 
  • Consider own underpinning motivations, values and belief around self and others, and how these personal factors influence own leadership approach. 
  • Demonstrate with certainty and clarity, the connection between accountability, visible leadership behaviour, and a high performing, Just culture within primary care 
  • Analyse the role of Emotional Intelligence in leading, motivating and engaging with a diverse range of colleagues
  • Examine approaches to sensitively handle challenging conversations, conflict, and differing perspectives. Be able to mediate between and resolve complex inter-personal dynamics 
  • Become an Evidence Based Practitioner, and engage with research and evidence in decision making, and management within primary care 
  • Coach and Mentor colleagues to enhance performance and build trust and confidence in the Practice Team 
  • Examine key, topical, drivers for change in Primary Care, and consider how these relate to own Practice 
  • Examine how iterative, Agile, principles can help define solutions, and create a methodology for data driven improvement, to develop a strategic advantage 
  • Examine the impact of change and utilise a variety of change management tools to support others through change 
  • Enhance resilience and awareness of the needs of others, the impact of stress for those in high pressure roles, and how to lead with compassion 

Session 1

Supporting the Practice  

Key themes include: 

  • The role of the Practice Manager in and outside the practice  
  • Workforce Planning  
  • Finance and Budgeting in Practice Management and Primary Care 
  • Governance, Risk & the CQC 

Session 2

Leadership and the Role  

Key themes include: 

  • Managing a Diverse Multidisciplinary Team 
  • Leadership and Management Development  
  • Leading Courageous Conversations 
  • Resilience & Wellbeing  

Session 3

Leading Change  

Key themes include: 

  • Change Management  
  • Quality Improvement and PDSA Cycle  
  • Digital Improvement  

CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and Leadership 

Following completion of the General Practice Manager Development Programme, learners can opt to continue their studies by completing a CMI Level 5 Certificate in Management and LeadershipThis qualification is designed for practising middle managers and leaders at operations, division, departmental or specialist level, who are typically accountable to a senior manager or business owner. 

Learners are required to complete two 3,500-4,000 word written assignments.  Units to be completed include: 

  • 501: Principles of Management and Leadership in an Organisation 
  • 502: Principles of Developing, Managing and Leading Individuals and Teams to Achieve Success 

Benefits of completing the qualification include: 

For learners: 

  • Development of skills required to lead and manage individual teams. 
  • Provides a broader knowledge of skills to help individuals be more effective in specific management areas. 
  • Accredited management and leadership qualification and certificate on completion. 

For organisations: 

  • Deliver aims and objectives in line with wider organisational strategy. 
  • Gives a fully comprehensive bank of the skills and knowledge required to be a manager as part of an organisation 
  • Allows individuals to focus on the areas that are most appropriate for their role and organisation. 

Learners also receive: 

  • Targeted tutorials run by our CMI-qualified tutors, to help learners complete the assignment writing phase. 
  • Dedicated support from the Quality Assurance Team here at In Professional Development, including regular CMI learner drop-in sessions.  
  • Access to a wealth of CMI online learning resources through their Management Direct website. 

Please take a look at our CMI FAQs to find out more about how the qualification works.  

Kerry Robinson

Kerry Robinson


Kerry describes herself as a hybrid professional working on the intersection of cultural development, improvement science and positive performance delivery. Kerry has a strategic focus, emphasising strategy into action through operational delivery. 

Kerry’s career has spanned equally the private sector and NHS, having worked in logistics, food manufacturing, telecommunications and oil research across a range of technical disciplines.  Kerry is a chartered management accountant, green belt six sigma improvement trained, Kings Fund Top Management Programme Alumni.  

For 13 years Kerry was employed in the NHS, six years as a Board Director, also Senior Responsible Officer for MSK care in a forming integrated care system.  Kerry’s portfolio has spanned strategy, organisational development, quality improvement, research, project management. 

Kerry now has a portfolio career being both a practitioner and a trainer in her mix of consultancy and training work ensuring she stays up to date with current theory, context and practice. Kerry is also a sessional lecturer teaching improvement science and organisational development at Masters level for several universities.  

Kerry has a strong belief in bringing training to life through practice to embed in the grain of their organisations. 

Our dedicated In-House Training team can work with you to create a tailored training course that creates an optimal learning experience. Our bespoke built training programmes are designed around your needs and allow you to meet the specific requirements of your business.

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Is this course right for you?

  • Understand the key aspects of Practice Management and improve your overall performance as a leader and manager
  • Apply a range of coaching techniques to better understand the needs and strengths of colleagues, and get the best from your team
  • Create a professional environment where colleagues can flourish, and where patients will receive the best possible care
  • Gain insight into current issues in Primary Care, and how these relate to the Practice Manager role
  • Develop a strong, professional, national network of peers, who you will be able to draw upon in the future


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