<img src="https://secure.leadforensics.com/146720.png" style="display:none;"> Role of the Managing Director course: an Inside Look from an Attendee

Spotlight: Katherine Naisbitt

Spotlight: Katherine Naisbitt

Success is our most important metric — and what better way to showcase the success of our specialised courses than by introducing a former attendee who accomplished all she had set out to achieve, and more?

Introducing Katherine Naisbitt, Group Commercial Director at YDBC Ltd — one of the UK’s leading Construction Industry Council (CIC)-approved building control companies. Katherine attended our two-day course – ‘Role of the Managing Director’ – to develop her skills and knowledge around leadership, as well as the roles and responsibilities involved. She was actively seeking solutions for challenges her organisation was facing.

We’re proud to share with you how our ‘Role of the Managing Director’ course supported Katherine in reaching her professional development goals and provided her with all the tools she needed to make an impact as a director at YDBC Ltd.

Katherine Naisbitt has been a director at YDBC Ltd since January 2020. During her time there, she has actively sought ways to address the challenges facing YDBC Ltd. Katherine explained to us: ‘YDBC Ltd. is heavily regulated by a governing body and this governing puts limitations on the speed of our growth. However, being regulated in this results in a positive impact on the service offered to the end clients.’

Katherine has started to explore the challenges that YDBC Ltd. is encountering and is looking for innovative, practical ways to overcome them. Katherine told us how business growth — due to strict governance measures — recruitment, and change management are the main barriers to YDBC Ltd’s success.

What were Katherine’s learning objectives?

As well as tackle the challenges above, Katherine also wanted to develop her own leadership skills, deepen her leadership knowledge, and explore her role as a director. She wanted to familiarise herself with the intricacies and nuances that her role and responsibilities involved.

Our tutors developed the ‘Role of the Managing Director’ course with a deep understanding of the responsibilities that the role places on the professionals who perform it. A managing director is accountable for the design, development, and implementation of the strategic plans of their company, and for the day-to-day running in the most cost-effective manner. Our course helped Katherine refine her existing skillset, from visionary leadership to her ability to motivate her workforce. The course also helped her to refine her planning and forecasting skills and enhance her financial know-how.

The learning experience at InPD

Katherine attended the two-day ‘Role of the Managing Director’ course and found it very affirming. She comments: ‘I was pleased to be taking away new ideas that I can look to implement within [the] business that will support our growth, as well as encouraging existing and new staff to be more involved in the vision of the company.’

This was music to our ears; to see first-hand how our specialised course had had an immediate, profound impact on Katherine. To feel inspired and want to inspire the people around them is the sign of a great leader. We understand how vital it is for people in roles like Katherine’s to include their teams and departments in meeting business objectives.

Katherine continues: ‘I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I felt the number of delegates complimented the course well and with us all from diverse industries which made for a lot of engaging conversations. The tutor was fun and engaging, kept up the momentum and I enjoyed the teamwork segments.’ 

Katherine commented that attending this managing director training has already made a difference. Now she has more confidence to lead the company, speaking with the regional managers and updating them in weekly meetings, and displaying a positive attitude when good things have happened.

How did InPD’s ‘Role of the Managing Director’ course benefit Katherine?

Katherine told us: ‘I found the change curve and ways of managing change very interesting. This element of learning will deeply impact my role and my dealings with team members and wider staff.’

Our course aims to help delegates become future leaders, arming them with the knowledge and practical skills they need to develop, implement, and lead a successful organisation. Katherine states: ‘My role in projects means I am constantly adapting to change and encouraging others to embrace new innovations and practices within the workplace. This is not always met with enthusiasm, so by having these new skills I feel I will be able to harness the same level of enthusiasm within the teams.’

Katherine’s feedback suggests that not only were we successful in supporting her achievement of these milestones, but we were also able to instil greater confidence in her ability to transform her team’s overall approach to change.

Katherine added: ‘The theory of managing change and the stages which can be recognised will aid my future dealings of change and have already had a positive impact when engaging others with new developments. This has improved my empathy and understanding and challenged me to manage change in new ways which has been met with positivity and aided my team to move towards “acceptance” more easily.’

In closing, Katherine told us that ‘by attending the course, I have seen a difference in my confidence, willing me to lead the company forward.’

The Role of the Managing Director course with In Professional Development (InPD)

We’ve developed our courses with the busy schedules of directors in mind. To this end, our one-day intensive ‘Role of the Managing Director’ course is ideal for newly appointed managing directors, those aspiring to the role or similar roles, and those looking to improve their performance with fresh insights from leading professional development tutors.

Geared towards executives, managers, and senior stakeholders across all sectors, this is a prime opportunity to gain the following skills and knowledge in a practical one-day time frame:

  • development and implementation of the company’s strategy;
  • leadership and management of a successful organisation;
  • effective change management at any time;
  • understanding the managing director’s position alongside and compared to the aims and objectives of the board;
  • successful company policy implementation;
  • formation and maintenance of an effective management team;
  • assumption of full accountability for the board for all company operations;
  • maintenance of a dialogue between shareholders and the board;
  • sustained control of the company’s finances;
  • understanding of good corporate governance;
  • separation of the roles of the chair and the managing director;
  • Understanding the challenges of managing strategic and operational responsibilities.

Be sure to book your place on our upcoming ‘Role of the Managing Director’ courses. This popular course is in high demand, and places may be limited.

If you prefer online training, our virtual classroom provides the same quality material you’ve come to expect, allowing you to study from the comfort of your own home or office. We also offer executive programmes, which include our renowned mini MBA programme, our director’s development programme (DDP)  – (PGCert strategic leadership for directors), as well as our leadership toolkit series

Each of our programmes and courses offers practical solutions to professionals who want to develop and enhance their careers. Consult our team to find the best course for you.

In Professional Development (InPD) — here to support your career progression goals

Regardless of the path you’ve taken to reach your current role, we’re committed to providing the most practical professional development courses to help your career progression. If you’d like to find out more about any of our courses or book a place on an upcoming course – get in touch with the team today to discuss your needs.

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